Godman Chaplains

Our Story

Gen. Revd Prof Bank-Ola Steve Abayomi

You are welcome to Godman Kingdom Chaplaincy ministry in the name of our Lordy and saviour Jesus Christ. The challenge before us today as Christ Ambassadors is to show descriptively and in practical terms God's love to the falling world.
Though, It is like describing a rose to a blind person.
How do you describe Handle's Hallelujah Chorus to a deaf person?
How do you describe the thrill of wearing a nice leather shoes to one who has never walked?
How do you describe the impeccable, infinite love of God to the world with so much traumatic experiences.

One of the most vivid characteristics of God is that he is a God of love as we read in Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee. The Psalmist was descriptive in recording the love-nature of God. He stated that he was "full of faithful love" (Psalm 103:8), "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him" (Psalm 103:11), "As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him" (Psalm 103:13), and "But from eternity to eternity the LORD's faithful love is toward those who fear Him" (Psalm 103:17).

The point is not simply that God "loves," but that he is LOVE.
Love is not merely one of his attributes, but his very nature. The Scripture says, "And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him" (1 John 4:16).
To say that God is love means that God wants the very best for you. God has your best interest in mind. He wants to give you good gifts and provide you with "all his benefits"
Psalms 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like eagle's.
The Psalmist uncovers all the phases of life that God's love has touched and in turn benefited and blessed the recipient.
You cannot escape or do without the Cross if your goal in this world is to enjoy the love of God.

You need to understand the meaning of the Cross and what it stands for.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is makes us understand that the Cross is the compulsory course 101 which we have to face the tests, challenges, and endure the pains in this world. Jesus Christ Himself, said, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up HIS CROSS, and follow me” Mark 8:34. The use of the Cross here theologically means the world system will stand up against you because of your believing and standing for the truth, holiness and righteousness. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the climax of his baptism of suffering he experienced which he endured because of the salvation of the world.

      1. The Cross is hatred
      2. The Cross is insult
      3. The Cross is conspiracy against you
      4. The Cross is false accusations
      5. The Cross is injustices
      6. The Cross is manipulations
      7. The Cross are pains and trauma etc

The Cross of Jesus Christ was designed by his enemies to kill his vision, frustrate him, make him loose focus, compromised his original purpose and to make him a failure.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is saying here that the Cross is essential and normal in this wicked world for born again to inherit eternal life to reign with him because the world system is not in favour of true holiness and righteousness and it will never be in your favour just as he was experiencing then but he chose to remain focused and endure till the end.
In Matthew 24:13 Jesus says, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (KJV), or, as the NIV has it, “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ came, took the cross as defined above endure it, never retaliated, or responded negatively and ultimately proved his enemies wrong and came out victorious.

You need to understand that your own Cross in this world is a reality you must endure. The world has institutionalized system of Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envy, murder, oppression, tyranny, taking advantage of you, denying you of your rights, make you homeless, hungry, jobless, widow, orphan, slavery, slander, indebtedness, rejection, all forms of attacks both spiritual and physical etc.
All these have made many to compromise, loose focus, helpless, totally vulnerable hence delve into wrong lifestyles.

These are the things that are institutionalized against the truth and who stands for the truth, holiness and righteousness in this world.
Unfortunately, all the above Crosses are sometimes manufactured internally in the body of Christ by members even ministers against their fellow faithfuls in the Church.
This is the reason many are confused, misled and apostacized.
The world system will use all these against you to make you loose focus to compromise.
Paul said that they which do such things shall not inherit the love of the kingdom of God.
The journey with the Cross is never an easy one as Jesus Christ had shown to us. However, there is promise and hope of eternal joy at the end of the journey if we can endure.

Spiritually, God's love removes the barrier that separates us from him by canceling the debt of our sin so that we can enjoy a loving relationship with him. God's love removes our sins as though they never existed.
God's love is all consuming
God's love touches every part of our lives. Nothing - no calling or circumstance, no adversity or advancement, no pain or promotion, no status or station - escapes the brush strokes of God's love. God's love bleeds into every fabric and fiber of our lives.
The number of times the three-lettered word "all" is used in this text reminds us that God's love is all consuming. His love touches every area of our lives. There is nowhere we can go to escape his love. There is no problem that we will encounter that is not touched by his love. There is no advancement that we will make where God is not already there. Even when our world falls apart, we the knowledge and understanding of the Cross, we need to be strong and respond accordingly.

When you have someone who loves holding you, it doesn't matter anymore what everyone else does or what the circumstances are or what the future holds. When you are in the arms of a loving God, when you have been consumed with his love, you share in his benefits. It's all right.
The Bible cuts through all the philosophical abstractions and declares that God is a Person. As a personal being God is capable of loving and being loved. And as a personal being he loves you.
"Jesus loves me" is the central affirmation of the Christian faith and the cornerstone of the nature of God.
When God says I love you, he is saying that you matter to him. You are a person of worth. You are valuable to him. Regardless of what others think, or your situation, in God's eyes you are wonderful.
His love is beyond comprehension
God knows and still loves us. God knows that we are sinners, yet he forgives; we are diseased, yet he heals; we are in a pit, yet he pulls us out; we are ungrateful for his good gifts, yet he gives them anyway; and we deserve justice, yet he grants mercy.
Like a father's love for a wayward and rebellious son that waits anxiously for him to return home so he can grant him a new start, is God's love for us is beyond comprehension.

Godman Kingdom chaplaincy ministry exists to show in practical terms the responsibilities and a glimpse of the kind of incredible, incomprehensible love God has for the world.
When we were born into this world, we came naked, empty handed and we shall go back to our eternal home life to enjoy infinitely the love of God.
"No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). If you want a visible definition of love, look at what God did for us in Christ. "But God proves His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8).
Regardless of your situation don’t be deluded and alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ.” This is the world that God loved.
There was never anything he was asked to do that he considered beneath the capacity of God. Whether it was cleaning up vomit left by some sick alcoholic, or scrubbing toilets after men had left them filthy,
Jesus Christ did all with a heart of gratitude. He freely fed those who wandered off the streets, cloth the naked, heal the sick, raised the dead, conquered death and hell. He gave hope to the hopeless and renewed their strength. He gave us assurance of eternal home life. Amen

God loves you. He sent His Son to die for you so that you can have eternal life. The restoration back to God our heavenly father through Jesus Christ is a gift freely given to the world.

Our ministry objective primarily is showing to the world the love of God the father and his son Jesus Christ.
1. To providing free family/community support and spiritual counsel to the indigent , those in crisis, secular society and those persons in transition by meeting their needs. Regardless of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status or socioeconomic status.

2. To organize free professional pastoral training and embark on missionary works by deploying passionate volunteers and Ministers into the most difficult places in the rural communities, providing pastoral and spiritual counsels, free education,free advocacy, life improvement skills and psychosocial support, serving as a bridge between the secular and spiritual environments of community life throughout the world.

3. To encourage community well-being by providing family support, guidance and practical help to the vulnerable and indigent members. To render free services to people of all faiths and help to accommodate the religious needs of staff, students, and faculty often during times of crisis or personal difficultly, such as: anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions, bereavement, emotional issues, illness and relationship problems to enhance productivity and efficiency.

4. To provide free pastoral care and propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ all across the globe . A ministry to survivors, bystanders, and victims involved in traumatic situations.

5. To providing free Specialized Advocacy and Sensitization in various organizations by responding to care services during disasters or crisis situations at Hospital that may be overwhelming to staff, Natural Disasters, Multiple Car Accidents, Violent acts, Deaths of children- would be likely to seek counsel from a spiritual care provider in such circumstances.

6. To providing pro Bono one-on one ministry and pastoral counselings.

7. To perform and provide free spiritual guidance and ministry to patients and family members in a healthcare setting.

8. To providing hospice & free spiritual care, supports and guidance that honour client's beliefs and values.

9. To providing free correctional and rehabilitation Shelters and Sensitization to meeting spiritual needs of people in prisons and detention and rehabilitation centers by assisting the government to accommodate some of them. These include advising prison staff on ethical, moral, and spiritual concerns; administering religious programs; leading religious services; and facilitating religious education.
Also providing pastoral counseling and other services to inmates and their families; teach gospel principles, including the relationship between justice, mercy, and forgiveness in the repentance process; and participate in dealing with rehabilitation and other restorative issues.
To also provide free clothes and foods to this set of people on monthly basis.

Wherever you are, no matter your situation, Godman Kingdom chaplaincy Ministry with our ministry partners around world shall be reaching out to you through our outreach projects Chaplaincy Spiritual to Care.


